Deliver Presentations Like the PROS
Create captivating presentations. Mesmerize audiences. #OwnTheRoom by using expert insights, practical tips, and proven techniques revealed in books from SardĆ©k Love, The Engagement Expert, and his coauthor Anne Bruce, best-selling author andĀ speaker/author coach.Ā

Presentation Essentials
From one-on-one meetings to speaking to a packed convention center, Presentation Essentials is packed with smart tips, effective tools, insights, and a skills self-assessment that ensures you deliver a captivating presentation with extreme confidence and credibility every time you speak. Guaranteed!

Speak for a Living 2nd Edition
Packed full of field-tested tools and checklists, this book is the ultimate insider's guide. The authors take you by the hand and show you step-by-step how to launch, build, and sustain a successful speaking, training, coaching, or consulting business. Make your dream of speaking for a living a reality.Ā